
Design and social distancing effect gyms

convid gym design

As Americans emerge from their safe-at-home cocoons over the next several weeks, many will make their first trip to their gym in two months. Things will obviously be different, but many will not know exactly what to expect until they arrive. Gyms and recreation centers across America are outlining their plans for post-Covid-19 right now in… Read more »


gym equipment for fire departments

Fit Supply is committed to helping firefighters, and law enforcers keep fit as they protect the community. Emergency responders serve best when their bodies are in peak condition. This article aims to help you choose fitness equipment that will maximize your performance and minimize the chances of a work-related injury. MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR… Read more »

How Many Days Per Week Should I Exercise? 


How many days a week should I exercise? The question sounds simple enough, but the answer can be involved. Ultimately, the right response is six days a week, but there are different levels of exercise, and that’s where it gets complicated. Standard Guidelines There are standardized guidelines offered by the Centers for Disease Control and… Read more »

Considerations for Your Health Club Reopening Plan

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The recent Coronavirus pandemic compelled many businesses to close in a bid to curb community spread. These efforts have borne fruit as some states let companies resume operations. President Donald Trump allowed companies to re-open, urging them to follow strict guidelines to prevent a resurgence of the virus. Gyms are among the businesses set to… Read more »

Guidelines for fitness centers for re-opening

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President Donald Trump recently revealed his plans to re-open up the country after the month-long lockdown. Among the institutions allowed to re-open are movie theaters, restaurants, places of worship, and gyms as long as they adhered to the restrictive social distancing protocols. The decision to re-open gyms was pretty shocking for many citizens given that… Read more »

Where to get Fitness Equipment

fitness equipment

Where to get Fitness Equipment As the Corona Virus spreads, quarantine measures ramp up. Public gyms, parks, and recreational centers remain closed. Home exercise systems are rapidly becoming hot commodities. There is growing interest from clients who are looking to stay fit during the outbreak. As gyms in the USA close due to concerns of… Read more »

Designing Fitness Centers

fitness center design

For a fitness facility to meet the needs of all its clients, it has to use all its space well. Optimal use of space improves convenience, safety, and the aesthetics of your facility. That supports your clients in the wellness outcomes they’re striving for. Here’s why professional design is essential for a fitness facility to… Read more »

Corporate Fitness Programs

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Corporate wellness programs, also known as employee wellness plans, are initiatives aimed at improving the health of the employees. These initiatives are introduced into the company by the employer for the benefit of the employees. However, as an employer, you have to ensure the wellness program ultimately benefits the company at some point. Health-related issues… Read more »

Benefits of an Apartment Complex Fitness Center

Apartment fitness centers

Apartment complexes with world class amenities are becoming more common. One of the most popular additions – and one with great power to command higher rent – is the fitness center. A fitness center, of course, is little more than a modern term for a gym: A place where members of your apartment community can… Read more »