Are you considering replacing your gym’s fitness equipment? How do you know when it’s time? You know that facilities with outdated equipment lose members and lose money. And while replacing equipment can be expensive, it can generate excitement and keep business strong. Here is what you should consider before replacing fitness equipment:
How many people are using the equipment?
You need to know your numbers – how many memberships do you have, number of daily visitors, and rate of new members are all critical numbers for evaluating your gym. It will help you understand the wear and tear on your machines as well as how new equipment could impact ROI. In addition, knowing the days and hours that are most and least visited can allow you to perform maintenance, service your equipment, and add new machines with the least disruption.
Could you service equipment instead?
Maybe your equipment doesn’t need replaced, but serviced. Refurbishing equipment can bring it back to life at a low cost. Servicing your equipment weekly or monthly will keep your machines performing optimally and will extend their life, keeping clients happy and your wallet thick.
Treadmills, compared to strength and other equipment, are easy to see usage because of the overall miles. Different models have different average mileage lifespans, so ask a professional or do some research to see how yours stack up. But if you invest in new treadmills, your clients may benefit from great new features such as charging ports for phones and tablets.
Do you have commercial or light commercial cardio equipment?
Knowing whether your cardio equipment is light commercial or commercial is important. Light commercial cardio equipment is often found in multi-housing fitness equipment centers. It will be cheaper, but not last as long. Heavier commercial equipment is found in bigger health clubs and built to be durable. Check out Fit Supply to browse different cardio equipment.
Leasing vs Buying Equipment
If you need to replace fitness equipment, you’ll be faced with the lease vs buy dilemma. Leasing is a good option for new and small gyms because you won’t need a lot of money upfront. If leasing equipment, though, you won’t gain assets and will have a tighter monthly budget. Leasing equipment allows you to switch out parts or machines more frequently. Buying is an investment in the future and growth of your gym. You will be responsible for upkeep, but you can customize your equipment in a variety of ways. Having equipment as an asset is beneficial, as it adds value to your gym.
Looking to take the next steps and revamp your gym? Look no further. Follow this link to contact Fit Supply for all your needs today!