Improving The Residence Experience

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Every multi-family property owner wants to attract high-quality residents into their multi-family community. High-quality residents are the types of people that will make your life easier, treat the complex or development as a community, and pay rent on time. In order to attract this type of person consider doing what you can to improve the overall resident experience at your multi-family property.

A survey of Chicago renters by the National Apartment Association found that an apartment building that includes a fitness center will attract $60 more dollars a month per unit than a building that does not have one. In addition, the National Multifamily Housing Council found that 60% of renters will not rent space in a building that does not contain a swimming pool. The statistics show that people want amenities, they want fitness centers pools, and other perks as well.

How Do You Improve Your Resident Experience?

If you do not already have a fitness center or a pool, consider installing one. If you already have one or both of these items, then enhance them. There are many ways to enhance both of these highly demanded amenities inexpensively.

Enhancing You Fitness Center

  • Find a student, someone looking to start a personal training business, or a resident with some fitness know how and ask them to teach some classes for a small amount of compensation.
  • Install smart television that residents can hook up to for online group classes. There are subscription services that fitness centers can subscribe to that offer group classes for different equipment as well as floor workouts. Without a subscription, group classes posted on YouTube could be put into a folder and the television locked on that folder for resident use.
  • Add one or two pieces of new equipment and create a buzz around it through the blog for your multi-family property, or through signage in community buildings.
  • Something as simple as having a professional designer come in and change the lighting or maybe the color of the walls can drastically improve the resident experience in the fitness center and attract more high-quality tenants.

Enhancing Your Pool Area

  • Again, classes, classes are big for some people. Classes get people in the community together that would otherwise not talk. Find someone certified to give classes in the water. Water workouts are becoming increasingly popular, especially as the Baby Boomer generation ages.
  • If you don’t have one already, get a stopwatch type clock for the wall and hang it near the swimming lanes in the pool. This will allow people that swim for exercise to time themselves and work to improve their performance.
  • Get a box of fun water toys for the kids. Usually, pool rooms are large and barren. Consider getting noodles, kickboards, and even a hoop and some balls for the kids and the kids at heart to have some fun in the pool.
  • Start a swim club, find out if there are any residents interested in starting a swim club. This will create a community around the pool and attract more attention.

There are so many ways to improve the resident experience through the enhancement of amenities that you already have. It can be done relatively inexpensively and creates a buzz about what is going on around your amenity spaces. Creating a buzz and garnering outside interest in your amenities will result in your multi-family complex attracting more high-quality residents in the long run.   For more information contact Fit Supply at